2026 HOA Board Volunteers Needed

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The DoubleGate Homeowners Association is seeking volunteers to join the HOA Board of Directors in 2023. Volunteers will serve a 1-year term starting in January, no experience is necessary. All officers are elected each year by a vote of the membership; chairperson positions are filled by simply volunteering. If you would like to place your name on the upcoming ballot for an officer position, please submit the form below. Voting for officer positions will occur in late October. You can volunteer for an open chairperson position at any time. A description of each position is given at the bottom the form.

To discuss any of these volunteer opportunities, please use the Contact Us page of this website to send a message to an HOA board member.

HOA Election Nominations
Who are you nominating? *

Your Information

Nominee Information

Board position(s) you would be willing to volunteer for


Positon Duties
1st Vice President The First Vice-President shall have and exercise all the power and authority of the President, including the signage of Association documents, during the absence, or the incapacity, of the President. The First Vice-President shall be responsible for HOA membership, including leading the annual Membership Drive, as well as other activities throughout the year to sustain/enhance HOA membership as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors. In addition, s/he shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him or her by the President, the Board of Directors, or by the membership. In the event the office of the President becomes vacant, the First Vice-President shall succeed to the office of the President and serve until a successor President is chosen according to these Bylaws.
2nd Vice President The Second Vice-President shall be responsible for representing the Association with respect to all matters concerning zoning and development, including meetings and hearings before various zoning authorities, speaking on behalf of the Association at such meetings and hearings, and monitoring the current zoning/development issues. The Second Vice-President will be responsible for giving a status report on the current issues each month to the Board of Directors.
Architectural Review The Architectural Review chairperson will be responsible for interacting with residents in regards to structural and landscape improvements they are planning.
Graduation Banner Each year, the DoubleGate Homeowners Association proudly displays a list of high school and college graduates of HOA member families on banners placed at both entrances to the subdivision. HOA members sign up for the graduation banner during the month of April. On May 1st, the Graduation Banner Coordinator will take the list of graduates that have been automatically compiled on the HOA website and purchase and install two vinyl banners. The Graduation Banner Coordinator is responsible for emailing HOA members when the graduation banner signup begins, sending a reminder email a week before signup ends, selecting a sign vendor, approving the design of the sign, proof read the names of the graduates before the banners are printed, pick up the banners from the vendor when they are ready, install the banners in mid-May and remove the banners in mid-June.
Grounds The Grounds chairperson will be responsible for communicating with our landscape, irrigation and other vendors in regards to weekly lawn mowing, pine straw installation (twice a year), flower installation (twice a year), irrigation repair (as needed), irrigation shutdown (once a year), weed cutting (once a year). Other responsibilities include coordinating the installation and removal of holiday decorations and identification of any repairs needed to monuments, gates, light fixtures (including bulb replacement), fence and electrical system.
Neighborhood Safety PACT stands for "Police And Community Together". It is a neighborhood watch program where residents and police officers work together to identify issues in neighborhoods to prevent future crimes and clarify any misinformation about alleged criminal incidents. Click here to visit the PACT page on the city's website.
Newsletter Newsletters are typically created 4 to 6 times per year. The Newsletter Chairperson is responsible for obtaining content from other board members and residents. Content is organized into a newsletter using the chairperson's choice of software and saved as a PDF document. Draft copies of the newsletter are then sent to board members for review. Revisions are made as necessary and the final PDF document is sent to the Communications Committee Chairperson who distributes the newsletter via email.

Most recently, the newsletter has been published by KDA & Tlehs who prints color newsletters and mails them to members at no cost to the HOA (they are able to do this by selling ads that appear in the newsletter).  Note that incoming the newsletter chair person may choose to create their own newsletter rather than using the publisher. Self created newsletters are distributed via email. Below is a description of the tasks involved in providing newsletter content to the publisher.

Newsletter are published every-other-month, or 6 times per year.  The Newsletter Chairperson is responsible for obtaining content from other board members and residents. Content is organized into Word Documents and the draft documents are made available to the board through a file sharing medium (such as Dropbox or Google Drive) for review.  Revisions are made as necessary.  All content (including an updated excel membership list) is then uploaded to our Publisher’s (KDA & Tlehs) Shared File system where a Graphic Designer will format all the content into the newsletter.  The newsletter proof, when made available by KDA & Tlehs, will be forwarded to the board for one last review and identification of any needed minor corrections.  When the final proof is approved by the Newsletter Chairperson, KDA & Tlehs will then print and mail the newsletter documents.

President The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and shall have general and active management of the operation of the Association. S/he shall be responsible for the administration of the Association, general supervision of the policies of the Association, and general and active management of the financial affairs of the Association. S/he shall only borrow money on behalf of the Association pursuant to specific authority from the Board of Directors and a vote of the Association membership. The President shall have the authority to institute or defend legal action where the Board deems it appropriate or where the Board is deadlocked and the President deems such is reasonable and in the best interest of the Association.
Secretary The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept minutes of all meetings of the membership and of the directors and have charge of the minutes book, the official seal, all legal documents and shall sign with the President such instruments as require such signature. The Secretary shall catalog and maintain all legal Association documents as well as other relevant and/or significant data that relate to the Association and/or DoubleGate. The Secretary shall deliver all of the above to his/her successor prior to leaving office. S/he shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as may from time to time be delegated to him/her by the President or the Board of Directors. In the absence of the Secretary at any meeting, a Secretary pro tempore shall perform his/her duties.
Treasurer The Treasurer shall be charged with the financial affairs of the Association and shall have the power to recommend action concerning the Association’s financial affairs to the President and the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall have custody of all the funds, and s/he shall keep full and accurate account of receipts and disbursements. The Treasurer and the President shall have joint signature authority on all Association bank account transactions. The Treasurer shall catalog and maintain all Association financial documents as well as other relevant and/or significant financial data that relate to the Association and/or DoubleGate. The Treasurer shall deliver all of the above to his/her successor prior to leaving office.