This is a request to help save the large, beautiful, historic oak tree located in front of the Publix market at the intersection of State Bridge and Medlock Bridge. A fast-food restaurant developer will tear down the tree if the JC planning commission approves the zoning request. The City has no tree ordinance or historic preservation ordinance which would enforce protection. However, there is a City Tree Policy indicating a desire by the City to save large specimen trees. The applicant ignores the existence of the tree in their site analysis, answering “None” to the question of “Environmental Impact of the Proposed Project; vegetation”. Time is of the essence, so please contact the folks involved, listed below, ASAP!
- On July 10th at 7pm in City Hall, the Johns Creek Planning Commission will consider the fate of the tree.
- Case RZ-23-0001, VC-23-0002, VC-23-0003, if approved, will allow the tear down of the tree to construct a 3,500 sq. ft. restaurant with drive-through.
- Johns Creek Community Development staff has recommended APPROVAL of the zoning request.
The attached file includes background info in a Q&A format to answer questions including why the tree is in danger, why it is worth saving, is there a tree ordinance to protect the tree, etc.
If you want to help, please indicate your support to save the tree and ask for DENIAL of RZ-23-0001, VC-23-0002, VC-23-0003.
Email the Mayor and City Council members
- Email the Planning Commission members
- Contact Ben Song, Community Development Director 678-512-3277
- Attend the July 10th Planning Commission Meeting where the case will be argued and the Commission votes to recommend approval or denial.
- Attend the July 25th City Council meeting where a final vote for approval or denial will be made.