Soles for Souls

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DoubleGate residents Preston Sheppard and Mark Bowers are Scoutmasters for Boy Scout Troop 27. A member of their troop, John Jung, is working to reach the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest ranking in scouting. John is seeking your help, below is his letter to DoubleGate residents:

Dear DoubleGate Residents,


My name is John Jung and I am a Life Scout with Boy Scout Troop 27. Mr. Mark Bowers who lives in DoubleGate is an Assistant Scoutmaster with Troop 27 and is helping me to reach the rank of Eagle, the highest rank in scouting. Mr. Preston Sheppard is the Scoutmaster for Troop 27 and also lives in DoubleGate. For my Eagle project, I am collecting shoes for donation to benefit Soles 4 Souls, a non-profit organization that distributes shoes to needy men, women and children around the world. All shoes are accepted, even one of a pair The worst shoes are recycled and re-purposed.


I would appreciate any shoes that you would like to donate by placing them in a plastic bag and leaving it next to your mailbox by 10AM Saturday May 7.


Thank you for your support,
John Jung
Life Scout Troop 27 and Eagle Candidate