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71 Directory Orders
6 Binder Orders

Number of Directories: 170 Number of Binders: 18

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Address Item(s) Ordered Name Order Date Fulfilled
(click to change)
715 Apsley Way   Paper Directory: $5 Gao, Feng 2017-12-02
720 Apsley Way   Paper Directory: $5 Beebe, Robert 2017-11-18
735 Apsley Way   Closing letter fee $65 Dou, Xiaoyao 2018-06-22
740 Apsley Way   Closing letter fee $65 Lee, Sang Kil 2018-02-11
5210 Bannergate Drive   Closing letter fee $100 Curl, Christopher 2018-06-22
5215 Bannergate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Dvornek, Peter 2018-06-19
5215 Bannergate Drive   HOA dues for 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018 $340 Dvornek, Peter 2018-06-19
5275 Bannergate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Osborne, Jamie 2017-11-17
5315 Bannergate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Richards, Mark 2017-11-24
5390 Bannergate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Komerath, Narayanan 2017-11-17
5400 Bannergate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Reeves, Lewis 2017-11-18
5410 Bannergate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Canales, Aubry 2018-01-10
5445 Bannergate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Oppenheimer, Bill 2018-01-09
5455 Bannergate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Valle, Florentino 2017-11-17
5530 Bannergate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Waldschmidt, Ira 2018-06-28
5545 Bannergate Drive   Closing letter fee $100 Jia, Shu 2018-11-05
420 Chantenay Place   Paper Directory: $5 Lockhart, Rich 2018-01-06
450 Chantenay Place   closing letter fee $100 Fulmer, Eric 2018-04-23
450 Chantenay Place   Paper Directory: $5 Fulmer, Eric 2017-11-26
465 Chantenay Place   Paper Directory: $5 Pahz, Mosi 2018-04-04
515 Crossgate Trail   Paper Directory: $5 Wiley, Hank 2018-01-14
520 Crossgate Trail   Paper Directory: $5 Tostenson, Chris 2017-11-15
530 Croydon Lane   Paper Directory: $5 Franklin, Roger 2017-12-26
545 Croydon Lane   Paper Directory: $5 Skrada, Kevin 2017-11-30
550 Croydon Lane   Paper Directory: $5 Petrie, Deane 2017-11-16
560 Croydon Lane   Paper Directory: $5 Daniel, Keith 2017-11-30
560 Croydon Lane   Paper Directory: $5
Blue DoubleGate Binder: $5
Anand, Mahesh 2018-07-16
570 Croydon Lane   Paper Directory: $5 Doles, Robert 2017-11-27
580 Croydon Lane   Paper Directory: $5 Schriver, Jerry 2018-01-01
435 Cullingworth Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Spak, Ryan 2018-03-06
230 Dapplegate Way   Paper Directory: $5
Blue DoubleGate Binder: $5
Pelot, Rhonda 2018-03-28
185 Fernly Park Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Bloom, David 2017-11-20
195 Fernly Park Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Lee, Britt and Kay 2018-04-07
235 Fernly Park Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Van Riper, Jerry 2017-11-30
245 Fernly Park Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Dunn, Alan 2017-11-25
315 Fernly Park Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Mills, Damon 2017-11-27
320 Fernly Park Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Romm, Philip 2017-12-03
350 Fernly Park Drive   Closing letter fee $65
Miller sold to Vetter
Miller, Neal 2018-02-11
100 Foalgarth Way   closing letter fee $100 Williams, Judy 2018-09-10
160 Foalgarth Way   Paper Directory: $5 Faupel, Mark 2017-11-16
200 Gaitskell Lane   Paper Directory: $5
Blue DoubleGate Binder: $5
Tortoriello, Patrick 2017-11-24
250 Gaitskell Lane   Paper Directory: $5 Benson, Chip 2017-11-19
265 Gaitskell Lane   Paper Directory: $5 Hardage, Mark 2017-11-19
65 Idlegate Court   see closing letter for explanation $1626.55 Soehus, Vegard 2018-09-10
115 Idlegate Court   Paper Directory: $5 Hoot, Larry 2017-11-24
9780 Kennebec Way   Paper Directory: $5 Brown, Dan 2018-01-06
9820 Kennebec Way   Paper Directory: $5 Stiles, Colin 2017-12-28
9825 Kennebec Way   Paper Directory: $5 Pomerantz, Jeff 2017-11-24
9840 Kennebec Way   Paper Directory: $5 Gettings, Bob 2017-11-24
5235 Laithbank Lane   Paper Directory: $5 Kelly, Richard 2017-11-28
5315 Laithbank Lane   Paper Directory: $5 Hines, Cristina 2018-01-10
5345 Laithbank Lane   Paper Directory: $5 Duffie, Jon 2017-11-24
5390 Laithbank Lane   Paper Directory: $5 Robinson, Kalin 2018-02-25
800 Mount Katahdin Trail   closing letter fee plus 2016 membership $150 Volpe, Brian 2018-04-23
825 Mount Katahdin Trail   Paper Directory: $5 Bailey, Jay 2017-12-04
705 Mount Oglethorpe Trail   Blue DoubleGate Binder: $5 Laun, Kelsea and Gary 2018-07-24
705 Mount Oglethorpe Trail   Closing letter fee $100 Laun, Gary 2018-11-05
705 Mount Oglethorpe Trail   Paper Directory: $5 Grayson, Barbra 2017-11-30
740 Mount Oglethorpe Trail   Paper Directory: $5 Press, Michael 2017-12-08
750 Mount Oglethorpe Trail   Paper Directory: $5 Malowney, Edward 2018-01-01
760 Mount Oglethorpe Trail   Paper Directory: $5 Johnston, Craig 2017-11-30
785 Mount Oglethorpe Trail   Paper Directory: $5 McGann, Bill 2018-01-06
795 Mount Oglethorpe Trail   Paper Directory: $5 Clough, David 2017-11-26
820 Mount Oglethorpe Trail   Paper Directory: $5 Johnson, John 2017-11-26
340 Newington Court   Closing Letter fee $100.00 Chen, Qun 2018-07-30
365 Newington Court   Paint rebate $80.00
Jeff bought paint for fence at Home Depot and received $80 rebate
Hunter, Jeff 2018-07-18
365 Newington Court   Paper Directory: $5 Hunter, Jeff 2018-04-13
1015 Thimblegate Court   Paper Directory: $5 Bracewell, Gene 2017-11-24
1055 Thimblegate Court   Paper Directory: $5 Hogan, Kathleen 2017-12-11
1065 Thimblegate Court   Paper Directory: $5 Coval, Karen 2017-11-27
9865 Twingate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Shadrick, Andy & Katherine 2017-12-17
9965 Twingate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Cliff, Martin 2017-11-28
9975 Twingate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Haney, Greg 2017-11-18
9995 Twingate Drive   Paper Directory: $5
Blue DoubleGate Binder: $5
Reising, Brian 2017-11-30
10000 Twingate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Dunnam, Lee 2018-01-01
10005 Twingate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 RINEHART, BARRY 2017-11-25
10050 Twingate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Williams, Tom 2017-11-27
10075 Twingate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Lin-Justiniano, Robyn 2018-01-08
10170 Twingate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Parker, Phillip 2018-01-23
10230 Twingate Drive   Closing letter fee $65 Simon, Abram 2018-04-23
10235 Twingate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Zadig, Michael 2018-01-14
10265 Twingate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Lewis, Gerry 2017-11-28
10275 Twingate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Hall, Terry 2017-11-24
10295 Twingate Drive   Paper Directory: $5
Blue DoubleGate Binder: $5
Zhang, Yadong 2017-11-30
10310 Twingate Drive   Paper Directory: $5 Hitzel, Janet 2018-01-10
610 Wintergate Court   Closing letter fee $100 Maalouf, Charbel 2018-06-22
655 Wintergate Court   Paper Directory: $5 Belnap, Craig 2017-11-29

Directory/Binder Delivery Map

Wait for all markers to be added before zooming and panning the map.

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