In early October of each year, order 500 #9 double window security envelopes and a ream of light green paper from Amazon or other store. Also purchase 440 first class "forever" postage stamps. You will need the actual envelope when you print the Green Sheets so that the printer can make sure the TO and FROM addresses align properly with the windows in the envelope when they fold the Green Sheets

Before starting the procedure below, change the Current Membership Year to the next year by logging into the website. Under the "Admin" menu, there is a link "Change Current Membership Year".

To download the Green Sheet mail merge data source file, click on the link below (this takes some time, please wait for the download to complete):

Export to CSV

A "CSV" file will be downloaded to your computer. Open the file in Microsoft Excel after the download is complete. Click on "File" and select "Save As". Save the file as "2019 Green Sheet Mail Merge Data Source.csv" (change 2019 to the current membership drive year) to the "My Data Sources" folder on your computer (typically located under your "Documents" folder). If you see a warning message that says "Some of the features in your workbook might be lost if you save it as CSV. Do you want to keep using that format?", select "Yes".

Open the "Green Sheet Mail Merge Template.docx" file (click HERE to download) in Microsoft Word. You will see a message that says "Opening this document will run the following SQL command…" Select "No" so you can choose the CSV file you just created above. To do this, select "Mailings" then "Select Recipients" then "Use an existing list". From the popup window that appears, choose the CSV file you just created and click "Open". From the "File Conversion" window that appears, select "Other encoding" and choose "Unicode (UTF-8)" then click "OK".

To run the mail merge, select "Mailings"

After the mail merge is complete, you will have one large file containing all of the Green Sheets. Print this file at an office supply store. Use a light green 20# paper and have them "C-fold" the printed Green Sheets so that the TO and FROM addresses appear in the window of the envelope (typically

[ display-frm-data id=green-sheet-mail-merge-file filter=1]